TKT Collaborative

Momentum through inclusion and innovation.

Letting culture and connection drive creative outcomes and innovation to increase talent, supplier and brand engagement.

Our team is hands-on in an ever-changing world.

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We’re a team of designers, technologists, creative strategists and problem solvers seeking to uplift Black & Latinx voices while connecting them to inspiring brands and supplier initiatives.

D&I Creative Direction

Oftentimes, Supplier Diversity and Global Advertising are in major silos, we bring them together to create forward facing brand unity and increased goodwill

Innovation & Design Thinking

Company culture can no longer be an after thought, and we help generate a winning innovation strategy

Media & PR Strategies

Consumer purchasing power today is driven by company culture and values as much as experience

Activations & Social Media

A winning strategy on the ground level or through long term social engagement creates both talent and supplier outcomes

Let's create those seats at the table.

Corporate Supplier Diversity is stuck in a generation pool, with Black & Latinx millennials unaware of the initiatives. Therefore, Corporate Supplier Diversity has opportunity to advance its pipeline and bench of aspiring and “ready to market” millennial suppliers and entrepreneurs. Separately, across industry there’s little to no focus on Black & Latino millennials in Supplier Diversity, and your overall brand can benefit by leaning into inclusive and innovative approaches.

“ Across industries, supplier diversity initiatives and global advertising are ripe to adapt to today’s new millenial market of talent and consumer demands. ”

Tarik Nally

Creative Director, TKT Collaborative